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Erasmus+ project of SOSE Trnava

“Transmitting Our Cultural Heritages to young Generation”

is an Erasmus+ school exchange partnership, meant to promote exchange of good practices. This is a two year project designed for students from secondary level courses. Students and teachers from schools of six countries (Latvia, Slovakia, Romania, Portugal, Italy and Turkey) will focus specially on disadvantaged students (being “disadvantaged” here means those with fewer opportunities : socioeconomic disfavoured background, broken families, etc) and work to foster to preserve and transmit the heritages and soft- skills.The motivation for our project comes from the lack of awareness of preserving and transmitting our cultural heritages to new generations. New generation is not aware what they inherited from their ancestors. We believe that schools have responsibility to raise conscious youth to protect their inheritences. Poor heritage awareness paved us to prepare this project.

Our Project Objectives:

  1. Enhancing students awareness of cultural heritage both tangible and intangible heritages around the world.
  2. 2) To develop students' English skills.
  3. 3) Improvement of the ability of collaboration and communication between students.
  4. 4) To search and learn their own and their partners' cultural heritages.
  5. 5) To help students improve their self confidence in their lives and perpectives.
  6. 6) To develop language and cultural understanding
  7. 7) To reflect and identify best practices to share participating partners and wider community during and after the project life.
  8. 8) To develop a common website, a facebook page and a whatsapp group where viewers can follow the project's proceedings. They will be able to communicate and build a strong relationship based on sharing. They will enhance pupils' confidence and their communication skills, ICT skills and competencies.
The partners will involve in a collaborative approach when sharing planned project events, objectives and results. 216 people will benefit directly from the project. 72 of participants will be teachers, 144 will be students. There will be 6 mobilities through the project life time. All of the mobilities will be short-term exchanges of groups of pupils in Turkey, Romania, Latvia, Slovakia, Portugal and Italy. 
The target group of our project is 14-17 year aged students. The project and all of the activities affect both students, staff in all partners schools. We foresee that nearly 5000 will utilise indirectly from or will be target of the activities organised by the project, such as not participating teachers and students from all partners in the short exchanges, other stakeholders,etc.
Main activities:
  1. 1) Training activity on Cultural Heritages in Turkey.
  2. 2) Choosing projects' logo
  3. EN 3 / 121
  4.  Call 2019 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships FormId KA229-A7E22DF7 Deadline (Brussels Time) 21 Mar 2019 12:00:00
  5.   3) Students' presentation on the given topics in each country
  6. 4) Story writing in Slovakia
  7. 5) A workshop on the history and the technique of the beautiful Azulejo Tiles in Portugal.
  8. 6) A workshop on music and art in Romania.
  9. 7) A workshop on Latvian folk dances
  10. 8) A workshop on a traditional Turkish art (Ebru)
  11. 9)A workshop on preparing a famous Italian dish
  12. 10) Trips to the cultural heritage sites in each country
Results and impact:
Students will increase their cultural heritage awareness.They will learn about cultural heritages not only in their own country but also in other parts of Europe.They will improve their English, conversation and ICT skills, communication and collaboration. Socially disadvantaged students will benefit from the project directly. It is one of our main aims to integrate those students into society. With the completion of the project, there will be tangible and intangible products and outcomes. As tangible products, we can name a local dish, tiles, a project website, a facebook page, newsletters, flyers, booklets, a dictionary of characters of legends and history of the partner countries, etc. As intangible outcomes, individual and group development, understanding European cultural heritage, lifelong friendships can be named.
The project will bring about an increase in the students' heritage awareness in the long term in all partners' countries. People will benefit from the outcomes of the project beyond the term of it.

We believe, our project will bring invaluable and long lasting benefits. Thus, they will promote a rise in cultural heritage awareness among young learnrs and provide the pupils and staff with the skills and competencies required for being active European citizens.


© SOSETrnava,Slovakia, Erasmus+